Rababa has been on replay

I find that music helps me clear my head and also helps deal with writer's block or lack of creativity. In my last post I talked about how Tuke Morgan's trust helped me clear my head well guess what, #rababa helped finish the work and gave me inspiration to kick things back on my blog.
I wasn't put up to this by anyone or paid for this but when I love something, I rave about it on and on until you are tired of listening.
Rababa was released last week, and when I got the link to download it, I did without knowing exactly what to expect. All I knew was that it was a gospel song by RepJ 360- a group  of four guys. Surprisingly, they did their own instrumental that is 'cos in away or the other they play instruments (that's cool) lets  quickly tick that on the list of husband material qualities(just joking).
Rababa simply helps you reflect on your life and appreciate the things you take for granted. We all go about our daily duties take our lives for granted, take oxygen for granted but really there are people who will pay any amount to have the life you so desperately hate. I'm no preacher, I'm no pastor but lately I have been saying thank you a lot to God 'cos really I owe that much and that's all he asks of me.
Feel free to download rababa - here
Connect with them on facebook and Instagram- repj360


  1. I love rababa too. Those guys actually attended Babcock.
    Nice one gurl

    1. how cool is that! we have another person who loves this song just as much. Thanks Tosin for stopping by


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