This year, for the 6th edition, Hangoutwithtee is planning nothing short of an amazing afternoon!!
Come and join other ladies on Sunday April 7 to network and hear inspirational stories, listen to some awesome poetry, cool Nigerian songs, female Saxophonist, female Guitarist, get some free gifts and many more.
This edition, Hangoutwithtee has an amazing speaker line-up of leading Women:
Vimbai Mutinhiri, Zimbabwean Actress & OAP, Tewa Onasanya, Publisher, Exquisite Magazine and Deputy President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Toki Mabogunje.
Female Saxophonist, Funmi Sax Ajayi and Female Guitarist, Sha-de will be performing LIVE.
Awesome Poetry by The Bio Poet.
Great Music by Lady Yudy.
Dance: "Nekky: The Body Confidence Chick"
Co Host: Jessica Fortunes
Theme: Oya Shift
Time: 2-6PM
Venue: Panda Events Centre, Oyadiran Estate, Sabo Yaba, Lagos
Entry: FREE
Side Attractions: Free Gifts, Dance Competition, Games, Raffle Draw
To reserve your seat, please send an email to
This is a perfect and fun way to enjoy your weekend.
Make sure you arrive early for the free drinks and free gifts at the venue.
Main Sponsor for the hangout: Sofy Sanitary Pad,
Other sponsors: Damies Diary Blog, Kelloggs Nigeria, Pizza Hut Nigeria, 9ja Energy, Indigo Lagos, Wiki Media Nigeria, Accelerate TV, House of Tay Spa, Grey and Glow Spa, The African Magazine, E Times Nigeria, Connect Nigeria, Lagos Mums, The Pride Magazine Nigeria,, Ethniques Blog, Decortales Events, Aunty Helen’s Foods and many more.
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