Waking up around 4:00am , doing all my house chores in less than 1hour and rushing,rushing to do everything and get out of the house between 4:30 am and 5:00 am..... I miss that.
Now I understand why retires after years of service still live a routine life. We all complain while in service and grumble about how we want to wake up late and just snuggle in bed till mid-day but even on our work leave we begin to miss the office. 
I'm sure by now you are wondering, "is Damie on leave or has she retired ?" The answer to the question  is none of the above  I left my previous employment for several reasons and a major reason, I was unable to balance it with school and it was telling hard on me as I was missing classes and tests. I'll probably do a post in the nearest future about that because  I have a lot to say about employment policies in this country . 
I just discovered having left my job that I got satisfaction not from my job but from the relationship I had with my colleagues and the adrenaline rush I had at the moment. It's weird 'cos if my employer sees this then it will be pretty obvious I have been lying ....well not completely.  My colleagues made my job worth it and feedback from clients too. 
What do I miss?  I miss the early morning rush,  the zeal to wake up and catch a danfo bus,  I miss listening to conversations in danfo buses (they can be quite interesting) , I miss writing facebook posts and blog posts from danfo buses, sight seeing in Lagos and more. 
There is something being on the road brings me,  it's a feeling I really can't explain but the ideas I come up with blow my mind away. 
I want to know in the comment section,  I'm I the only one that enjoys being on the road and what do you miss?
