Leibster award again!!!!!

 Hey guys, so I got another liebster award  nomination and this time its by lhurve of  ironyoflhurve.blogspot.com. Check out her blog,it's really cool. Its my second leibster award. THANKS LHURVE.*blowing kisses*
The Liebster award rules are:

~ You must link back to the person who nominated you.
~ You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
~ You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 or 2000 followers to answer you questions.
~ You cannot nominate the person that nominated you.
~ You must let the nominees know you have nominated them.

Okay so lets get into the questions given to me by Lhurve
1. What made you decide to own a blog?
Answer: my for writing.I wanted to share my thoughts, passion s and cravings.
2:Have you ever had any MAJOR outfit disaster before?
Answer :None that I can remember.
3. What is that one piece of clothing you'll NEVER wear? (E.g mini skirts,crop tops,studded jacket)
Answer :Al lot actually, 'cos I'm a conservative dresser.
4.Shoes or bags?
Answer: I love them equally but I have more bags than shoes.
5.  Hair or nails?
Answer : hair
6.  Most expensive fashion item you own?
Answer: I really not a price tag person but one of my shoes is expensive I still wonder why I bought it .
7. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Answer: introvert
8:Favorite colour?
Answer: olive green, teal and orange
9. novels or movies?
Answer : movies
10. Favourite meal?
Answer: anything made from plantain
11.What's the nicest thing someone has ever said to you?
Answer : can't remember though,guess I have heard too many.

I'll simply ask my nominees the same questions

1. What made you decide to own a blog?
2. Have you ever had any MAJOR outfit disaster before?
3. Inspiration for blog posts?
4. Dream location ?
5.Weird fact about yourself.
6. Most expensive fashion item you own?
7. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
8. Favorite blog?
9. Novels /music or movies?
10. Favourite meal?
11. Most beautiful place you have visited?

 I nominate:
8. Kuyeek

Have an amazing weekend .
