Road trip to Ekiti state

Happy Easter !!!!
The weekend started on  Thursday *dancing skelewu* . I'm so excited.  How are you guys spending Easter , I'll love to know?
I'm currently in osun state on a road trip with my family to my state of Origin Ekiti state . Although I visit my village often, there's something about this trip that has me excited. I foresee a lot of fun, plenty palm wine and pounded yam.
I managed to take some pictures, pardon the picture quality,took them  with my phone.
Side attractions 
The sight of brown rusted roofs at Ibadan . Ibadan is very big though, wished my camera had arrived,I'd  have captured the beautiful sight at sunrise .
The Nigerian Police of course, the had a tip for the season( more like bribe) they were wasting time and we knew what the wanted *winks* 
The transitions from urban to rural locations. It's beautiful.
Akara(bean cake) and fresh bread, delicious. My siblings and I were waiting patiently for this.
The mountains and low land.
The music, on trips like this my dad plays songs from the 80's by legends like ebenezer Obey used to this but I fall in love these songs over again.

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Have fun, live life and drink responsibly .


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