It was a special friend's birthday a while back and I picked up my phone to say happy Birthday and pray for this person genuinely from the heart. Did I call? Yes, did I pray? no say or sing happy Birthday? Well, towards the end of the phone conversation I did.
What happened? We spent most of the time catching up on life and giving excuses about why we hadn't spoken in a while. We brought in the "I see you balling on instagram". I have shared in the past that there is a need to connect with people beyond social media,1 minute phone call can brighten a person's day.
I'm not here to talk about social media but how inspired I felt after the phone call. I felt inspired,motivated ,challenged- challenged to do more, create more and live life a little bit more. we all have at least one person that motivates or inspires us to be better or a set of people that challenge us intellectually,spiritually or creatively.
Don't be an island, you need someone to grow and someone needs you too. Share the little knowledge you have, inspire someone and watch life happen.
Find your inspiration,don't be a parasite and inspire/motivate someone too.
With Love,
Damie Alabi.
Picture taken by my sister Alabi Dolapo Adeola
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