Every blogger has that post that has been in the draft section for a very long time. Often times,we can't explain why they have stayed there for so long.These pictures were taken November last year . It was a moment of ultimate "fleekness" permit me to use that word as that is the perfect word to express how I felt.

I am not a colourful shopper. Whenever I decide to buy something or just get new pieces in my wardrobe, I don't look out for bright colours, I just go for what fits. When I was forced by my colleague at work Zelia to pick this shirt, I had a love hate relationship for her and the shirt. 
I was not as excited 'cos I kept telling her its not my style as I wanted to go for a long back chiffon shirt instead

Over to the styling and what I got up to that day. It was a sunny day in Lagos, I headed to the Ikeja city mall to catch a quick movie, I think Dr. Strange. I can't remember and afterwards met some really cool guys from Konbini and I participated in their vox-pop.

Lets take a moment to talk about my hair and other accessories. At the time I was on low-cut , I did a post about things to consider before getting a low-cut here  and another post on why you should get a low-cut you can read that here.and a video here documenting my first haircut last year, This wig convinced me that short hair wasn't for me and ever since she became a wig/weaves girl. Check my blog post here on reasons why you need wigs.
I won the shades in a giveaway hosted by Sayedero of and its from Soso Shades. Check them out on instagram here

Shirt x Jeans: Vintage( Yaba Market)
Bag: Gift
Shades: Soso Shades


  1. Nice top !

  2. Just like me,I am also a chiffon kind of girl...But sometimes there is nothing wrong in leaving your comfort zone and trying out new things.This really suits you.


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