D.I.Y :Phone Pouch

I'm so excited to be putting up a D.I.Y on the blog.Its very simple and easy to do. Have fun trying it out
Things you'll need.

  1. Any fabric of your choice
  2. felt/batting
  3. Fabric glue / needle and thread.
  4. scissors.
  5. paper and pen

  • With the pen,mark the size of the phone on a sheet of paper.
  • cut out and measure on felt and fabric.
    • iron the felt the fabric or glue it.Fold in two and sew using needle and thread
      •  After sewing...
      •  turn it inside out,for finished look.

      • you can embellish it with buttons,studs etc.
    Note: the felt is to protect the screen due to its soft texture.

     Thanks for reading.
