Saying 'YES' this year

Happy New year!.
welcome to 2016, I hope you had an amazing christmas/newyear break. Pardon me, I know its been a while on the blog-life has been happening. 
In my many years of living (coughs) I haven't been as excited for a new year like 2016. I have a conviction its going to be an amazing year (speaking with faith).

I'm not totally in on the resolution thing so like last year I didn't bother about resolutions. I set goals both short and long term goals and work towards them. Fin.
Its halfway into January and some people have already forgotten they said "new year, new me". If its still new you and resolutions work for you congratulations. 
The one thing I plan to do this year  is say yes. I find that the introvert in me says no when there's turnup. I plan to say yes to opportunities, business, travels,business,collaborations,friendships and relationships and who knows a wedding proposal. 
That's the one thing I plan to do differently. I'm fully back to blogging, sticking to my old blog schedule and I'm also filming videos yay!