Let me be the first to say Merry Christmas to you in advance. I know its super early but it just goes to show how excited I am for the season.
Christmas last year just came and went, nothing too special happened. It was like a regular mid-term break or a random holiday 'cos I chose not to do anything extraordinary and I was busy with my final year project (#thestruggleforBsc)
This year, I have decided to do things differently and have fun while I can.I also believe staying away from home for the past 7 months has made me look forward to Christmas with my family even more.
Lets get into some of these things.
  1. TRAVEL: I have a list of places to visit this season. I'm traveling to about four states, dunno how I'm going to do it  but I definitely will.I have events to attend and I also plan to visit a few people. I will put up a post really soon on my travel destination.
  2. SPLURGE:I am not one to spend money on extravagant things, I'm very meticulous with money.I have decided to let loose for a moment and hopefully not regret it. I'm still not sure what I want to splurge on maybe a handbag,makeup or a gadget. I'm still thinking.
  3. WATCH CHRISTMAS MOVIES BACK TO BACK: There's something about Christmas movies, I can't explain it but they just get you in the Christmas mood.
  4. COOK MY FAMILY AN AMAZING MEAL: Its not a hidden fact that I like food even though I don't eat as much as people think I do.Lately, I have been obsessed with food channels on youtube and I can't wait to prepare something amazing.P.S my parents read my blog ( they are coolest people ever) now that its on my blog, I'm definitely cooking.
  5. BAKE A CAKE: I have never baked a cake but I have assisted in baking and seen people do this a couple of times. I hope I don't mess it up but I'm baking a cake in the spirit of christmas


  1. Travel! I'd love to do that as well, but I feel like other things always come up :(
    Splurge! Oh yes! I don't do this as well, but it'll be nice to. Maybe on a camera (it's been on my list for too long).

    Nice to-do list, Dami! :)

    1. Travel for me is something I'll love to do more.

      Splurging on a camera seems like a great idea.

  2. Those are all great ideas. Greetings and best wishes to you.

  3. These are great ideas. I will like to read, work on my blog and other personal projects this break.
    Happy Christmas in advance to you too!


  4. Splurge is definitely on my list, what better time to spoil myself. Awesome ideas, all of them.


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