Hair talk: maintaining curls

Happy new month............
if you follow me on instagram you'll have seen this look. For about two months, this has been my salvation hairstyle. On the average, I spend less than #1,000($6) a month on my hair. HOW!!!!
Its simple, I wash and set my a once in two weeks at only #400 and I maintain it all through. 
Here are some of my tips......

  1. know your hair type: my hair is very coarse and this helps in the retention of the curls .
  2. Use the right hair products: I use only hair products that are made specially for my hair type.Talk to your hair dresser or a hairstylist to help you out with this. You can also try out Shea radiance they have hair products for all hair types.
  3. Watch your sleeping positions: this can be a big problem for people who have weird sleeping positions. Although I know you cant monitor your hair when you sleep but be a little careful ,you don't want to wake up to a frizzy looking hair.
  4. Style everyday as required: Often times I just a just the curls and spray.
  5. Try new style.

Thanks for reading......
Have a blessed month.


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